Wood Protection Asia - Pacific

Tried, tested and trusted wood protection technologies.

For over 70 years we have pioneered and developed market focused wood protection technologies for Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific Region. 

Our trusted and innovative technologies make wood resistant to mould and moisture, insects, and fungi while enhancing its natural beauty.

Application Introduction & Overview

Product Family Overview

Services Overview

Our brands instil confidence and provide peace of mind, as do our support services, which enable our customers to make the most of wood’s unique and adaptable properties.


Plant control & management software

Our goal is to help our customers achieve quality, end-use appropriate and cost effective preservative treatments for their timbers.


Training for plant operators

Key to a successful timber treatment facility is having fully trained plant operators. We provide focused and industry recognised plant operator training.


Technical support

We provide both laboratory and field-based support to ensure our customers are treating timbers to quality standards.